Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I really suck at this whole updating thing :). My mom has a blogspot too, and I like staying connected in small ways with her, so maybe I'll try being on this more for her.

It's been really disgusting outside, weather and all. Just snow, rain, then slush.
Today is kind of pretty though. All of the yards earlier were basically ice. Not snow, but ice.
Get it? I hope so. It was gorgeous. I love when Ice appears on strange surfaces, or ones they don't usually.
It makes me feel like a piece of magic has just touched another part of the world.
However, I want reds, blues, greens, yellows, oranges, purples! I want colors, bird songs, cool winds, and the smell of grass.

I want the ugly grays plastered on the world, evading our hearts to go away.

Nothing is really new here otherwise. I need to start caring more about school :U
And I'm over that boy, so it's okay.
No art or anything to post,
mainly because I'm to disbelieving of myself to draw anything :D

And, photography just hasn't happened in a bit.
Well, not mostly ;D


Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm here!

Ive always had a blogspot, but I suppose I got a new one because I couldn't remember my old log in name. :]

Maybe I'll actually post here, just to get feelings out.
Or record events in my life.

Or show art and photography?
Who knows!

Huzzah to blog spot!